Monday, February 21, 2011

Ice, Day 12

We have since had some nice thaw days that revealed patches of grass here and there; and today we got a pretty little snowfall where you could see every six-armed snowflake. This one was just a decorative dusting, no more than three inches. But there is still over a foot of compacted snow most everywhere in the yard, rock-hard, and bordered by great icy heaps where the plows and shovels and blowers have pushed it out of the roads.

The above photo was taken on day 12 of the long freeze. I had been wondering and worrying about the deer. They must have huddled for weeks with hardly anything to eat, all but trapped. I counted eight of them in this herd.

That's a very solid two feet of snow they are standing on top of. I only saw one deer put a foot through, out in the woods.

Notice the little line through the snow? That's our neighbor's driveway.

To illustrate just how deep that snow is, here is the deer stepping down onto the driveway.


Courtney said...

How amazing! Here in "snowy" Montana... I can see my grass and I think I have spring bulbs popping up (too soon! They'll be in for a shock when we hit -37 in March). Do you anticipate any flooding problems once warm weather arrives?

. said...

Wow, that's some hard snow! I worry about the deer too, which is crazy because I spend so much time, money, and effort trying to keep them out of my gardens. Great shots of your herd. You won't be seeing grass any time before mid March, is my guess.

Michelle Clay said...

Hi Courtney! I had worried about the potential for flooding, but so far the thawing has been perfectly paced. We're down to what looks like a normal amount of snow. :)

PJones, if we have a continuous (thin) snow cover until March, that would be perfect! :D